I love this so much! Thank you for sharing this wonderful story, and the powerful framing you bring to it.

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Jul 3Liked by Priscilla Stuckey

This is such a powerful and moving piece Priscilla with much to celebrate and much to ponder. An incredible and hopefully influential victory for the young people , and yet as you write why are they doing the work of adults ? . It seems that as Western worldview has lost sight of human kinship with all beings it has also lost an ability to even recognise the need to protect our young ones through conversing with and caring for the world we belong to. I love what you share from Carol Lee Sanchez about greeting all kinds of as move through each day. And a very big thank you for your call out to me and Psyche’s Nest. I love how we have become connected through Substack and are finding so much resonance in each other’s work. 💚🙏

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I'm so happy to find you here, Sally! You're doing crucial work, of helping people make sense of climate change in their lives—helping all of us move toward being family with the place where we live. I'm with you: I think the remedy for our ecological crises is worldview deep. We need to change our worldview—our minds, our values, our very stance in relation to all the Earth-others, our friends, our kin.

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Jul 4Liked by Priscilla Stuckey

Finding such a lot of resonance in your work Priscilla, its so heartening to feel myslef working in alliance with you. Thank you!

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