Apr 15, 2023Liked by Priscilla Stuckey

Thank you for this lovely read. May we all find our way to that beautiful inner sanctum, and support others to wander inward as well. Love!

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Priscilla Stuckey

I learned so much from these posts, Priscilla. Your wisdom and insights resonate with my own sense of listening to my heart and inner knowing. Thank you. Gail Storey

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Priscilla Stuckey

Thank you for this beautiful and insightful post! I have three kids and have been thinking lately about how to help them hear and trust their own inner voices more. I know it’s important to teach by example and by the respect I show for them. Any other tips?

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Apr 15, 2023Liked by Priscilla Stuckey

Oh wow, I hadn’t read any of your other posts yet and just found you through your post on Notes, but looking at your Substack, I now realize that my sister recommended your memoir to me this past fall, and it’s been sitting on my dresser waiting for me ever since. I’ll take stumbling into your work here as a sign!

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Love this! I wish we had all been taught to listen to our inner voices. Our society would look so different now. It's hard, as social animals, not to go with the crowd, so we can use all the help we can get. What are your suggestions for cultivating the inner voice as an adult?

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Love this Priscilla! Thank you. Very thought-provoking. I have been asking for years, how did we get here? Slowly the roots are being revealed. Reading your 'birch tree' article today and you write about hierarchical dualism prioritising voice over listening. Those who are allowed to speak have the power. That's why speaking our truth can be so powerful. It's an act of reclamation in a society in which there is so much that needs reclaiming, re-cognizing, re-membering... a joy to find you here!

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